More than 180 trails
You will find more than 180 long-distance hiking trails in our database. Tendency strongly increasing!
All necessary info
You will find all the information you need for your next trekking tour.
Over 50,0000 km of trails
If you string all the trails together, you can circle the earth once.
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In just a few weeks you can expect not only more trails, but also a great community.
What is everyman’s right and where in Europe is wild camping allowed?
by Veraby Vera 8 min readMany people go on a trekking tour to get out of their daily routine – for the peace, freedom and fresh air. And what better way to get that absolute …
Many women would like to set out, spend a few days in nature and go on a long-distance hike. But oftentimes the fear is deep-seated that trekking is perhaps dangerous …
General information
New feature: You can now search for important places along the long-distance trails!
by Stefanby StefanWe’ve been working on a feature for our website over the past few weeks that should make planning your next long-distance hike much easier: The display of all “Point-of-Interest” (POI) …
Winter is getting closer and closer and slowly the trekking equipment disappears in the closet together with everything that reminds of the past summer. But why actually? That long-distance hiking …