Overview of the world's most beautiful and popular trekking

Here you will find an overview of the world's best trekking and long-distance hiking trails in various categories. To make your search easier, we have created overviews according to countries, continents, months and seasons. So you can find the best trekking tours in spring in Europe just as easily as tours in October in Morocco. Of course, you can always use our trail search if you want to go into more detail. Whether you're looking for a challenging mountain trail or prefer to hike through picturesque landscapes, you'll find it here.

We have carefully researched and compiled a selection of the most beautiful and adventurous trekking tours for you...

... per difficulty and country

... per season and country

... per month and continent

... per month and country

At MyTrails you’ll find the world’s most beautiful treks and long-distance trails, including all the information you need to plan your next adventure!

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